Tuesday 26 May 2009

working class hero

I survived my first day back at work after about 8 months holiday! In fact, I quite enjoyed it, getting stuck in and trying to learn my may around the café, all the prices and the menu. It'll take a while but I'll get there. Having a day off tomorrow, (ah the joys of part time work) time for training and getting stuck in to my other job. I'm booking sports halls for the twelve week sports academy I'm managing this autumn. I've already organised with the rugby club to book the facilities through them in order to keep prices down.
Training tonight was fab, even though we're missing a few key players in the back line that got injured playing for Sweden, it was flowing nicely and everybody seemed to be in a good mood. Excited and also apprehensive about the weekend and double-banger (game in Lund on Saturday and home game against Malmö on Sunday) ouch.

1 comment:

Solveig Lövendahl said...

Tack! Och nja, systern har "bara" brutit lillfingret. Sist jag pratade med henne trodde hon nog att hon skulle spela ändå, men jag tycker det verkar lite tveksamt om det är läge för det...