Wednesday 4 March 2009

the beginning of the end

we've just come back from a bbq at auntie sue's and it was lovely, sitting there enjoying the view of the waitangi river, in spite of grey skies and tropical style rain. As alway we were fed some lovely food and according to tradition I ate far too much:)
We're heading south tomorrow, to the Waikato, which means we had to say good-bye to a few people today, not knowing when we'll see them again. So, even though we have just under three weeks before we fly out it does feel like the beginning of the end... I'm trying to look on the bright side, I'll get to see my family soon and we'll be starting a new exciting life in Gbg, but I can't help feeling a tad sad that our trip is over. At the end of the day, who knows when we'll next get a five month holiday...


Anonymous said...

Don't complain, most people are lucky to get a two-week holiday. On that basis you've had your holiday ration for the next ten years!

Anonymous said...

hoppas allt ar bra med er, ni har val nastsn borjat nedrakningen hem, eller!!??
Hampus tackar for vykortet ;)
kram fran new york

[sarah lucy carin] said...

åh, förstår att det känns ledsamt, och det känns konstigt men ändå bra att vi ju glädjs åt att ni snart, äntligen, sätter er på planet och flyger åt rätt håll ;).

många kramar, ta vara på den sista tiden!

Unknown said...

Hej Emma & Harland,

hoppas allt är bra er. Ska bli kul att se er när ni kommer till Sverige!

Harland, today we got the start time fore Vätternrundan. We'll start at 10.36 pm. Your start number is 4731 and mine is 4732. I've fixed the red racer bike and I took a first ride last week – 85 kilometers at the stormy f***ing skåne flat land. It didn't feel very good in my legs or bum ... but I haven't been biking fore five months (exept the tour to Lund with you, with flat tire). I look foreward to see you and to the 12th of june!