Tuesday 16 June 2009


Right. I want to start uni. Become a nutritionist. That's why we're here, because it's free in Sweden. And I'm attached to Gothenburg now, I want to stay. Don't want to move to Umeå, it's off the (rugby)map. Not really an option. There are other options.
1) Go back to the UK.
2) Massey Uni in Auckland.

To qualify here in Sweden there is a course I need to do and I also need to improve my grades or exam results (högskoleprovet). So I went to see a guidance counsellor today. Signs outside were promising "we'll help you reach your goal", "the right education can lead the way to your dream job" e.t.c. Sounded optimistic but in actual fact there is really nothing they can do for anybody at the moment because of financial cutbacks. The course I need to do is full and there will be no half-term entries or distance learning options like normal because of the cutbacks.

The focus in this country at the moment lies on getting young people to go straight from college to uni and adult students like me (bloody hell I'm an adult) are left to suffer. I find this ridiculous! Not a lot of 18 year-olds know what they want to do with their life and should be given the time they need to figure this out rather than starting a degree and then giving up half way through. Surely that's not the sensible option in a country where education is free?

On the plus-side, there was another degree which is new and looks interesting. Health promoting something something.


[sarah lucy carin] said...

och än värre blir det med den nya skollagen som de nya högerasen precis drivit igenom nu i dagarna. morr! men du kommer fixa det, på nåt vis. det vet jag. kram!

emma-louise emery said...

vad e d för lag?

[sarah lucy carin] said...

skollagen finns sedan innan, men nu har man precis klubbat igenom en uppdatering av skollagen som träder i kraft 2011 om jag inte minns fel.

läs om det bla här: http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/artikel_3062467.svd

nu ska jag gå och lägga mig efter årets finaste ettårskalas. puss!