Wednesday, 1 December 2010

choices we make

we all make choices in life, small everyday ones 'what's for lunch' type ones to big life-changing-things-will-never-be-the-same-type chioces. And evern if we try not to, that is a choice in itself and, ultimately, changes who we are.

I make a choice about 6 years ago to move to London, not knowing what would follow, not wanting to know. Although I feel like I (now we) go where the wind takes us, and chance has played a big part in certain changes of directions, along the way decisions have been made, paths have been chosen. Having dinner with and old friend of Harlands'' last night I felt highlighted this. Having a conversation we've had so may times, in avroius parts of the world, with many different people: 'wow you've been around!' and 'you've really landed on your feet havent you?' commonly followed by 'where do you think you'll settle down?'. Ultimately, whatever choices we make down the line, we will be away from family. A terrible inconnvenience.

Today is a day I wish I would have stayed put. For all the amazing things I have experienced and learnt. However big a part it has played in me being the person I am today. I would just like to be close to my loved ones. A phone call away, just around the corner. If needed.


Mamsen said...

Puss och kram och nypå i stjärten.

Anonymous said...

God bless Skype and all who talk through her!
The Fat Man

chic Gucci shirts said...

good point!