Saturday afternoon my new friend and I went down to Greenwich park. It was stunning and I had a lovely time pedalling around. When I got home I listened to some jazz and pottered around the house, cooked a nice meal for myself and H (who was working, boo). Was left feeling very chi after that.
Best time of year?

what I really wanted to do was to lie down in the leaves on the ground and take a photo to show of my new, hot autumn hair colour. But the ground was wet from the rain and, frankly, I was too embarrassed. Must be getting old. 
Spent some time in my corner later that afternoon, reading up on the enzyme kinetics for Monday's lecture and the renin- angiotensin mechanism. Good times...
Spent some time in my corner later that afternoon, reading up on the enzyme kinetics for Monday's lecture and the renin- angiotensin mechanism. Good times...
And Brompty went back in his corner
ar det verkligen INGEN som har nan kommentar pa min harfarg? kom igen!
Du är hur FIN som helst!!!
Kram storasyster
Har glömt att säga det vid alla telefonsamtalen, men det är jättefint!!!! Men å andra sidan klär allt en skönhet :-) Kramisar mamma
Gillar cykeln också, kanske man kan ta sig en provtur någon gång i vår!
Uh oh, I'm posting in English. Hope someone can understand. Really nice pictures and cool work station!
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