must have been a good weekend...
just showing off a few of my bruises from this weekend. What a weekend... We lost away to Lund yesterday by one point. We did not play well but we were never going to be allowed to win anyway, referee was on their side from the start... Today was a challenge, but we all like one of those, don't we. I honestly could not picture myself playing 80 min of rugby when I woke up this morning. But I did it for my team. It's such a nice feeling being part of a team after my Scotland experience. These Gothenburg girls are a good bunch and I feel like we've been through hell together this weekend, and come out the other side stronger as a team. It has to be mentioned as well that our opposition today was my old team and a few familiar faces, but there was no doubt where my heart was today. Do you know what? I would do it all again tomorrow if I had to.
NÄ du jag tror inte du vill spela 80 minuter idag igen!!! Själv hade jag önskat en rullstol och en stödkrage till nacken. Fy fasiken.....
Vad är det du säger emma? Trodde alltid du hade ett litet hjärta i Malmö :(
ja en del av mitt hjärta tillhör alltid malmö och dig P-O!
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