Just a few pictures from this weekend, of our first official visitors, my sister Sarah and her partner Anders plus the two young ones Lo and Mattis.
Lo on the swings with my house in the backgound We spent
a lot of time at the playground which Lo obviously approves of;)
Something we could both enjoy was the "swing"
below. I enjoyed the challenge in going all the way around, it was a fight against gravity but we managed 13 consecutive spins without stopping. Lo helped by pulling faces and going "oouuuhh"

Our Taco Fiesta on Friday night had to be moved in to the hallway even though our kitchen actually is quite spacious... I absolutely love mexican! I don't bother with veggie mince like quorn instead I do a mushroom-kidneybean-sweetcorn-whatever else is avalable chili with copious amounts of cumin and people always love it. As a bonus I also coked some soy protein strips in taco seasoning.

And pudding: Apple pie made by Sarah's neighbour with grated chocolate and cream. Oh and Strawberries as you can see on the young mademoiselle's faces.

Me Sarah and Mattis had a picnic in the park on Saturday after a pretty pathetic attempt at shopping for clothes in a second hand store.
Mattis below with rocket in his mouth which he just let sit there for ages. It was hilarious and made us laugh so much... ha ha...
I guess you had to be there...
There was also a massive half-marathon going on in Gothenburg so getting around was a bit tricky but I must say I wasn't at all envious of the runners. They all looked ruddy knackered! Even the ones that had just started.... hmmm... Think I'll just stick to rugby...
oh, vad roligt med bilder! jag tog visst bara en enda bild på hela helgen; på mattis i ert kök tidig lördagmorgon. inte så mycket att hänga i julgranen...
sista bilden är grym! och eftersom jag är stolt fotograf snor jag den till min blogg. och länkar hit.
nemas problemas! x e
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