And St Georges cross is swaying in the wind on a particular street in Sweden. Partly because it's :) Da's B-day which was started off, accordining to tradition, with a song and breakfast in bed. This is birthday number two out of five in the birthday season and next up is me . Is it daft that I still get excited by my birthday? I just love it. A day that belongs to mememememe. It's mine. It's all about me. Moi. One day I might grow out of it but I hope it's not anytime soon...
In other news we seem to be all set to be moving on Monday. We've been packed and ready to go for what seems like for ever and it's all happening next week. Haven't worked out the details yet but that will all get worked out after Saturday.
We also have visitors coming this weekend from England, two of dad's cousins and they're in for a good weekend!
Was going to finish off with a picture of the Birthday Boy (if you can call him that on his 64th) but I think you'll find this a lot more plesant.
A what-d'ya-call-it (Can't remember the name in either language)
from our walk in the national reserve the other day