Saturday afternoon my new friend and I went down to Greenwich park. It was stunning and I had a lovely time pedalling around. When I got home I listened to some jazz and pottered around the house, cooked a nice meal for myself and H (who was working, boo). Was left feeling very chi after that.
Best time of year?

what I really wanted to do was to lie down in the leaves on the ground and take a photo to show of my new, hot autumn hair colour. But the ground was wet from the rain and, frankly, I was too embarrassed. Must be getting old. 
Spent some time in my corner later that afternoon, reading up on the enzyme kinetics for Monday's lecture and the renin- angiotensin mechanism. Good times...
Spent some time in my corner later that afternoon, reading up on the enzyme kinetics for Monday's lecture and the renin- angiotensin mechanism. Good times...
And Brompty went back in his corner