so far I've applied for a few flats but there is one in particular we have our eye on. it's a one bedroom corner flat, about 15 minute walk to the rugby club and 10 min tram ride to central gothenburg, just where we want to be. We're seeing it on tuesday and there is some competition for it so I suppose it's a bit hopeful to think that the land lady should chose us. hmmm...
time seems a bit floaty since we arrived here. I had a lovely weekend with my family and when Harland arrived on Monday I was thrilled to see him. Now that we've recovered from jetlag and that we do need to get cracking. One minute I feel like I've nothing to do and the next I'm overwhelmed by the thought of everything that needs to be organized...
a certain sister in my jacket + a certain nephew in my hat
a certain princess
1 comment:
jag hoppas och håller tummarna för att ni åfr lägenheten så att ni slipper det tröttande letandet. tänk - snart har ni en lya som vi kan komma och hälsa på i!
och bilderna! om du kan lägga över dem på ett usb-minne som jag kanlåna skulle jag bli überglad. ringer dig om det. kram!
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