Thursday, 30 October 2008

hong kong

we're in hong kong and I'm SO tired. It's 7 am GMT and I only got an hours kip on the plane, which is actually a good thing because I'm getting zoned in to kiwi time. It's been a good flight so far, lots of movies to chose from and TV programs (watched about six episodes of sex and the city). Lots of food to eat and the eleven hours from London just danced by. Now we're facing the last leg of the journey and I can't believe that we'll be in New Zealand in 12 hours time. It still feels surreal. It was snowing in london last night (was it last night, no hang on it was the night before... tuesday anyway, I'm so lost) and I woke up in the morning thinking "in a couple of days we'll be worrying about sun lotion and so on" couldn't go back to sleep of course...

It feels like the ground is moving or like I'm very drunk, I'm that tired. I'm going to go sit by the gate and wait to get on that lovely cool bird (it is roasting here!)

Lots of love to everybody


Mamsen said...

Tänker så på Er ha en fortsatt bra resa- Kramizar till er båda. Alla här hälsar til er och önskar en en härlig semester. Mamma(oj nu skulle jag kanske ha skrivit på engelska???)

Anonymous said...

My heart bleeds for you both that it's so hot. Here it's a couple of degrees above freezing and the rain is coming down at 45 degrees like tintacks! Look after yourselves!