Thursday, 30 October 2008

hong kong

we're in hong kong and I'm SO tired. It's 7 am GMT and I only got an hours kip on the plane, which is actually a good thing because I'm getting zoned in to kiwi time. It's been a good flight so far, lots of movies to chose from and TV programs (watched about six episodes of sex and the city). Lots of food to eat and the eleven hours from London just danced by. Now we're facing the last leg of the journey and I can't believe that we'll be in New Zealand in 12 hours time. It still feels surreal. It was snowing in london last night (was it last night, no hang on it was the night before... tuesday anyway, I'm so lost) and I woke up in the morning thinking "in a couple of days we'll be worrying about sun lotion and so on" couldn't go back to sleep of course...

It feels like the ground is moving or like I'm very drunk, I'm that tired. I'm going to go sit by the gate and wait to get on that lovely cool bird (it is roasting here!)

Lots of love to everybody

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

airport banter

Yes it has been ages since I blogged, but our time in sweden was very hectic. I hve a half-finished blog post with photos that should be posted soon.

We're at the airport and I'm standing at the same computer I used in january 2007 when we went to NZ last time and I was checkings sarah's blog and I was in tears becuse t was so hard to leave everybody and go to the other side of the world. Of course it's not easy this time but it is easier for some reason even though t is 5 monts instead of 2. we've been here for a good couple of hours now due to Harlydarly's ridiculous "good time" motto. That and the fact that we had nothing else to do. The great thing about airoports is that if you get bored, which you do, there is lots of food just waiting to be eaten!

well, must dash, gate 23 and our flight to hong kong is awaiting us (1 hour to fly fly time)