Friday, 7 March 2008


When we got back from holiday there were loads of these little bad boys popping up everywhere.
And a few days ago I saw the first daffodil up at the university.
so, has it??
Has it?? Has it sprung? Spring? maybe just a little...

It feels like it's all kicking off! We've started planting seeds , in every available container, because we can't wait... We've got a spring and summer at cromlix to look forward to, and hopefully a good one this time...

We've let Sue&Roger know that were not coming to do the asparagus, which is gutting because it was so much fun! But on the other hand we've got that amazing trip at the end of the year on our minds...

We're actually quite busy at the moment... H is getting his personal trainer qualification and I'm doing an open uni course in human nutrition. The gym takes up a lot of time, and so does rugby. I'm really enjoying the gym, lifting weights and getting stronger. The rugby this time around has been a bit of as disappointment, I'm still trying to get amongst it, make the most of it...

Speaking of srping by the way... From River Cottage newsletter:

However damp and gloomy March may be, however much it shows its sullen side, I will never let it get me down. I feel defiant, jubilant even. After all, it’s not February, is it? The days are getting longer, the soil is getting warmer and I’m buoyed up at the potent inevitability of Spring. I have a real sense of anticipation as I know that, very soon, all of those winter evenings spent perusing seed catalogues, picking out the perfect varieties of broad beans, carrots, lettuce, peas and spinach are going to bear fruit. Well, vegetables at least.

Thanks Hugh, I could not have said it better my self!


[sarah lucy carin] said...

och i vårt sovrumsfönster växer den första sådden så sakta. tomater, physalis, solrosor, paprikor och basilika - små gröna skott som säger att snart är det sommar!

Anonymous said...

mina radisor har grott! och vi ska oxa odla physalis, i vaxthuset. tjoho! e x

Mamsen said...

Hej! Undrade om ni ALDRIG skulle uppdatera Er blogg, men kom på att det var jag som inte hade tryckt på rätt knapp :-)för att uppdatera. By the way: snödroppar på engelska heter nog ngt annat; daffodils är nämligen påskliljor!! Ja, ja men vår är det hur som helst. PÅSKKRAMAR I MÄNGDER från Mamsen

emma-louise emery said...

fast jag menade att vi har massa snowdrops och att jag hade sett EN daffodil... x e