Saturday, 30 October 2010

Loving right now:

Autumn. Need I say more?
James Brown (not the musician, the printmaker). see for more goodies from this man. (erhxmas, erhm)
Greige (oh yes, it is a real colour!) fingernails as seen on Lily Allen below.

And ...

I know it's a song from a TV advertisement but I love it. Her name is Allie Moss. The song is "corner".

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

639 days

On the tube this morning I was listening to a recording of a biochemistry lecture on the MP3. When it was finished a crowded house song came on that reminds me so much of NZ. And walking down the street in autumn grey London I could almost feel the heat from the sun and if I closed my eyes I was carried away to a beautiful beach. A bit dangerous though, walking around with your eyes closed at rush hour. I love being here, I'm happy that I am doing this, I am loving it, and I don't regret a thing. But I would quite like to be in more than one place at once.

I looked up at the BT tower and the countdown to the Olympics 2012 said 639 days. And that's roughly when I graduate and get my freedom back. I think I just want time to go faster so we can go have a party on a beach.