Although Swedes can be seen as a quite serious breed, they do know how to partay. Midsummer is one, and maybe the main, time of year when they let their hair all the way down and enjoy themselves. Letting your hair down Swedish style more often than not involves singing, dancing and drinking. For me the midsummer tradition of dancing around a flower clad pole pretending to be either frogs or musicians never struck me as being odd. But yesterday at the celebrations in Hyde park I almost felt like an outsider looking in, and I liked what I saw! At the same time there was a sense of familiarity and childhood memories.
You can take the girl out of Sweden but you can't take the swede out of the girl
sma grodorna:) ko-ack-ack-ack. ko-ack-ack-ack-ackaaaaa
the miniature midsummer pole
got my plopp!:)
you almost have to see it to believe it:Love Danelles happy face in the video above. She looks like she belongs, perhaps she was Swedish in a previous life...