Friday, 6 November 2009


Coffe- check
Crisps- check
Veggie sausage rolls - check
Organic dark chocolate - check
Extra plate, mug and bowl- check
Tidy room- check
Clear some space on the floor- check

Bring on the sister invasion;)

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

thought I heard a strange noise

Tottenham court rd 7.55 am. About 12 riders on horseback each holding on to another two horses. It's not what I expected to see...

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

london is getting ready for xmas

lovely time of year to be in Londinium! As I was leaving uni today adther a mammoth day I walked a different route, down lovely charlotte st, to get the bus. It was already dark and it was a nice walk. I stood and waited for a few minutes for a bus at oxford st before it became apparent that there were no buses running. I decided to walk up to oxford circus and check out the new 'circus' and the reson behind the lack of buses became painfully clear; there was some sort of christmas concert going on (could they have been lighting the xmas lights?) and the tubestation was closed. Bugger. So I trotted down to tottenham ct rd and I wans't the only one either. Getting on the tube was a nightmare but I got on it in the end and made my way home to revise for my in class essay tomorrow morning.